Keyonnie and Carleigh

Keyonnie and Carleigh
Happy Together

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Truly Loving a Dog!!

So this is it!  Wow I finally get to blog about what I love to do!!  Train Dogs,  no wait, train people to train their dogs!!!!!!!!!True love of a dog, for a dog and for us is to be happy and no stress.!!!!!

And just like children  if they have manners then the whole world is happy!.  Fewer dogs in the pound, more smiles on people's faces and lots of dogs bounding up and away and back....tails and rear ends going furiously because everyone is happy.  Fewer lawsuits over dog fights, dog bites, fewer vet bills because your dog did come back before that car hit it or the coyote grabbed it........Wow what a world that could be!!

Think about it,,,,Picture it!!  Dream here for a bit........See a park, no fences, people walking with their dog beside them, NO LEASHES, no head halters, no choke chains, or prong being pulled down the walk  but happy owners smiling, waving to all their friends stopping and talking.....oh and yes putting their dogs in a Sit, while they push their toddler in the swing or down the slide....others, people and their dogs greeting each other , nose to nose, tails wagging.(the dogs, not people)........Oh and look over look there are several dogs, running and playing...what no fences ...and oh my gosh ......the owners just call to them when it is time to go and the dogs coming running to them and ....oh my gosh.......sit to greet and walk away beside in a heel position.............NO LEASHES!  Now what a world that would be............It can be...!

That world was my world 3 years ago.......and I would cry about it......Here I was , a dog trainer and my own dog would pull me down the road in a prong collar, coughing and choking the whole way..I thought , oh well she is a wolf dog and the everything overwhelms her, her sense of hearing, sight and smell.  Because of her fear, she can't hear me telling her it is ok.......I felt I could never let her run like a dog should.  That rabbit was more important than me and the times of driving to find her left me exhausted and in tears.  I was scared to open the front door or she would run out and in the car I went again.  People wanted to pet her but she was afraid of them.  I had socialized her since 4 months, every place I could think of.......and still she was a fearful sweet wolfdog whom I dare not let off the leash...

Today Keyonnie is what you see in the picture above.  She is never on a leash...We go hiking, camping and I have a wonderful companion that listens instantly to me, responds instantly.....I can go into a store, or a crafts show or a park and I have what I drew a picture of above......A delight, a happy dog, and a happy me . One such hike I had 6 dogs with me, all off leash.... and some people were approaching with a dog on a leash, one that was plunging and pulling...  I immediately called all the dogs to me and sat them off the side of the trail while the people went a world of difference they make!!

So tune in often for more cute pictures and good stories........Feel free to ask questions!  If I can help in anyway I would love to.................

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